What Types of Car Keys Are There?

Car Key Cutting Services

Traditional Car Key

Older cars use a mechanical or traditional mechanical key to activate the ignition cylinder and, in turn, start your car.

If you lose it, you should call us, and we will come and make you a new key using the complete kitten vehicle we bring to your location.

Car Key Fob

You still use a traditional key to start the car. However, the first fobs were add-ons and intended to be a device of convenience to the vehicle owners. They lock and unlock your vehicle, and the key can also be used to unlock the doors.

If you lose the fob, you can still use your key to unlock your car and start it. City Auto Locksmith has a range of fobs available, and we can easily programme it to sync with your car.

Car Key Fob & Switchblade Key

With detached fobs becoming popular, car manufacturers combined the traditional car key and fob in a mechanism that would lock and unlock a vehicle with a spring-loaded key that folds into it, like a switchblade.

If you lose this type of key, City Auto Locksmith has a range of fob keys available, and we can easily programme it to sync with your car.

Transponder Key

Car manufacturers created this as a better anti-theft car device in the early- to mid-1990s. Transponders are ignition keys with a computer chip embedded in the plastic head. T

Transponders rely on the wireless connection between your key and the car before they will allow the ignition to do its thing.

If you lose it, call us, and we will come to the car and electronically pair a new computer chip with your vehicle.

Smart Key

The Smart Key is also known as “keyless ignition.”

A smart key is used with vehicles with a start button on the driver’s dash. The intelligent key technology uses a car proximity sensor that automatically knows when the smart key is nearby.

The intelligent key is not a key but a paired sensor that unlocks the vehicle and allows it to be started with the push of a button.

If you lose it, like the transponder key, call us, and we will come to the car and electronically pair a new smart key with your vehicle.